The Teachers Are Back At Work!

I’m weeks behind schedule on my update to, but of course classroom teachers can’t ignore the calendar so easily: traffic at has surged by 60% in the past two weeks. Welcome back!
I’m weeks behind schedule on my update to, but of course classroom teachers can’t ignore the calendar so easily: traffic at has surged by 60% in the past two weeks. Welcome back!
I noticed that several states have begun “rolling back” kindergarten enrollments, so that this year and in each of the next few years, students will need to be 1 month older to enter kindergarten. What impact will the flow of these smaller cohorts have on our schools?
Here’s an updated list of the 500 most popular pages at this site, ranked for the current school year (from August 7, 2011 through March 17, 2012). The number in parentheses is the change in rank compared to the earlier period from January 1, 2011 through August 27, 2011.
It’s kind of fun to look at the graph of weekly traffic at since August, viewed as a proxy for “lesson planning activity.”
You can see quite clearly what happened during the holiday season: there’s a sharp drop for Thanksgiving, and a bigger plunge during the Christmas/New Year’s break. (Note that the baseline for this graph is not zero.)
Update May 24: I’ve replaced the earlier graph with one that extends from September through mid-May. You can see “spring break” and the overall decline as the end of the school year approaches.
Today I learned about two “new” companies, called and, which sell the same exact products as All appear to be scams!
Here’s a list of the most frequently-viewed lesson-plan pages at during the first 25 days of August. (The number of unique pageviews is shown in parentheses.)
With a new school year comes a new spate of warnings about how the internet is warping our kids.
Today’s example: “What Facebook Does to Kids’ Brains” Read more »
Here is a list of problems I’ve encountered while trying to organize information about lesson plan resources; this is essentially a list of marketing suggestions to help sellers — but if sellers heed my advice, they’ll help teachers find useful resources with less effort.
I’ve generated a set of about 350 new directory pages under the /beta/ subdirectory at, to experiment with “theme” pages for a variety of content areas.
Early this year, I created a separate Facebook “page” for (see and I’ve been sharing updates and some news articles through that account for several months.
This week, I created a separate Twitter account for (see, though I’m not yet sure how I’ll use it.
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