Back-to-School Traffic Surge

Here’s a graph of daily traffic to (updated: August 4 through October 3):
Here’s a graph of daily traffic to (updated: August 4 through October 3):
Today I learned about two “new” companies, called and, which sell the same exact products as All appear to be scams!
Here’s an updated list of the most frequently-viewed pages at since January 1, 2011:
Here’s a list of the most frequently-viewed lesson-plan pages at during the first 25 days of August. (The number of unique pageviews is shown in parentheses.)
I need your help! Please take a few minutes to check one or two of the literature-title pages at, and let me know about any problems.
Update (Aug. 22): I’m removing the Google AdSense advertising block from many literature-title pages. Read more »
Over this past weekend, I added another 30,000 links to the database (which now includes more than 215,000 links).
Over the past 24 hours I’ve re-generated nearly all of the 3,500 pages at
With a new school year comes a new spate of warnings about how the internet is warping our kids.
Today’s example: “What Facebook Does to Kids’ Brains” Read more »
Here is a list of problems I’ve encountered while trying to organize information about lesson plan resources; this is essentially a list of marketing suggestions to help sellers — but if sellers heed my advice, they’ll help teachers find useful resources with less effort.
I’ve just finished the latest update cycle for, with resources now listed for nearly 800 additional literature titles, for a new total of more than 2,800 literary works covered. (This follows last month’s updates which doubled the number of resources linked for most titles.)
I’ve also modified the appearance of directory pages by adding a navigation/summary menu to the left margin.
Also, books which were finalists or winners of the Newberry Award are identified as such (usually this is the final item on the page).
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