Added: author, length, grade level

By , January 15, 2011

This weekend, I am re-generating the entire web site, to display several additional pieces of information (when known), for each teaching resource:

  • contributor names and roles (author, editor, illustrator, translator),
  • the grade level for each work, and
  • the length (in pages, or number of days or weeks for lesson plans).

When available, this new data appears after the title & publisher, in gray text.

Unfortunately, there is “conflicting data” for many works (from publishers and resellers). Currently, the site displays all available data for each contributor role, for length, and for grade level, so you might see data like this:

1984: A Unit Plan (LitPlan) (Teacher’s Pet)   Length: 198 pages; 200 pages.   Level: Gr 9-10; Gr 9-12 Author: Mary Collins; Mary B. Collins, George Orwell.

Here, we see two different values for length, and we also see two overlapping values for grade level.  We also see two variations for the name of the author of the Unit Plan, and despite the attribution here, we know that George Orwell actually wrote the novel 1984, not the Unit Plan.

Whenever I “update” the site, it takes many hours for my script to re-generate all 2,030 pages.  New versions appear first for titles at the beginning of the alphabet (1984, 20,000 Leagues, Across Five Aprils, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Animal Farm …), but almost a day later for Zlata’s Diary and The Zoo Story.

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